
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A P(e)ony Parade

I have always painted flowers, but never really got hold of peonies. Yet, if there is a request for a painting, you find out what they look like exactly! The request to paint peonies for a bridal tea, was only the start. It led to many peony paintings and I am probably addicted to the subject now.
I produced a few in 2016, then attended Nancy Medina's course where I took lots of photographs for reference. Now I have ordered silk peonies from the Seychelles. They looked flattened and somewhat sad when they arrived, but as they stand in their vase, I notice that they look more beautiful each day as they relax and open.
Peonies featured in a two-women exhibition two weeks ago and is also on travelling show with the West Coast Art Fair after a Juried show, where the work was chosen to be exhibited.
Here, then, is the peony parade of paintings available and sold.

500 mm x 400mm
This painting is currently on exhibition.
Let me know if you are interested or want to order a similar painting

Peaches 'n Cream Peonies
500mm x 400mm

Classic Peony
200mm x 200mm
"Snow White" is my favourite
200mm x 200mm
Framed and available at R1500
This little set of white peonies were SOLD
180mm x 180mm
Close-up of the above set of two
180 x 180
Close-up of the set of two.
180mm x 180mm
The "peonies for a bridal tea" which started my interest in peonies

Three Violet Peonies
18Omm x 180mm
Framed and available at R960

The last three, in frames, all of them, are available at R860 each

I have more! So there will be a second post on my peonies a while from now.